Massage Therapy

Questions To Ask When Choosing A Drug Treatment Facility

Click Here For More Specific Information On: Corporate Massage Melbourne Office Massage Perth byAlma Abell Every year, millions of people enter into a drug treatment program across the U.S. While this is a great way to overcome an addiction, the first thing you have to do is find the right program. To have the ability to make an educated decision about the program to use, make sure to ask these questions first. Regardless of if…

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Satanism: An interview with Church of Satan High Priest Peter Gilmore

Monday, November 5, 2007 In the 1980’s and the 1990’s there were multiple allegations of sexual abuse of children or non-consenting adults in the context of Satanic rituals that has come to be known as The Satanic Panic. In the United States, the Kern County child abuse cases, McMartin preschool trial and the West Memphis 3 cases garnered worldwide media coverage. One case took place in Jordan, Minnesota, when children made allegations of manufacturing child…

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Two dead after car crash in Inverness, Scotland

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 Two people have died as the result of a one-vehicle road traffic accident in Inverness, Scotland. The two occupants of the vehicle were both teenagers, with one being male and the other being female. Neither have been publicly identified. They were both travelling in a black Škoda Fabia vRS at approximately 0920 BST on Sunday when they attempted to negotiate a corner and ended up colliding with a stone wall and…

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