Men's Health

Heal Cold Sores Quickly And Easily With These Cold Sore Tactics

By Denny Bodoh

Heal cold sores – once difficult, but now very easy.

By the time you are done reading this article, you will know how to quickly heal cold sores.

Want to heal cold sores? You will find there are only two basic ways. Either way can be used by itself. But, combining the two gives you a big edge in your effort to heal cold sores.

Hey, it is well know that your body is able to heal cold sores without your help. This is a long process, however, often taking as long as four weeks. Why put up with the pain and embarrassment any longer than you have to?

We all want to heal cold sores as soon as possible. To do so, let us quickly review what causes the actual cold sore outbreak – so we can better understand the enemy.

The cold sore virus is the herpes simplex virus – either type 1 or type 2. This microscopic virus drills into a cell and forces the cell to create virus clones. Once full, the new virus is released by destruction of the host cell.

First, redness and swelling occur as the cells create new virus. Then the host cells break open, creating the open wound. We are very fortunate that this virus only creates sores on the surface, or it would pose a serious health risk.


To heal cold sores fast, you must use at least one of these two techniques.


Do you get more than one cold sore a year? If so, your first priority should be to take a top-rate vitamin and mineral supplement every single day.

Without a doubt, this is the most important first step for fast healing and defending yourself from future outbreaks. A good multi-vitamin will strengthen your immunity against this parasite virus – and all other viruses also.

In addition to a daily multi-vitamin regimen, taking lysine supplements during an outbreak will stop, or slow down, the virus replication process.

Although it is good to consume high lysine foods, such as fish and dairy products, the 500-milligram capsules are much easier and very convenient. Lysine is a common protein and quite safe, even up to 7000 milligrams per day or more.

The sooner you stop the virus from replicating, the quicker you will heal cold sores.

Multiple and frequent outbreaks often is a sign of calcium deficiency. Your body uses calcium, either from diet or your bones, to keep your body from becoming acidic. The higher your alkaline level the higher your oxygen levels. Oxygen is very anti-virus.

Most good vitamin supplements already contain 1000 milligrams of calcium per day. You may want to take an additional 1000 to 2000 milligrams daily on top of that.


A good cold sore treatment, put directly on the sore, is still the best way to heal cold sores in a hurry. The virus is very easy to get at and treat this way.

Ointments that contain zinc, either in the form of sulfate or gluconate, work very well when applied to the sore. Watch out for other forms of zinc, such as zinc oxide, as they do not absorb readily.

Two very strong cold sore remedies are oregano and garlic oils. Both of these will stop any virus, bacteria or fungal infection, when put directly on the sore. They will greatly speed the healing process.

After the sore has actually opened up, the damage is done and it is now in the healing phase. Using a wet tea bag, on top of the oils mentioned above, will heal cold sores very fast.

Keeping the cold sore clean and sterile is critical for success with any other treatment you may use. Alcohol or hydrogen peroxide should be used with a cotton ball or tissue to reduce finger contamination.

As mentioned at the top, your body is perfectly able to heal cold sores without your help. But, the cold sore treatment methods mentioned above will definitely increase your comfort and shorten the duration of your outbreak.

Imagine eliminating the embarrassing and painful sore in less time than ever before. Plus, you can now reduce the number of future outbreaks.

You will find using both internal and external remedies, in combination, will provide you the highest level of success when you want to aggressively heal cold sores.

About the Author: Do not spend money on another cold sore remedy until you read Denny Bodoh’s excellent articles about


. He wants to share with you some clear, powerful and proven


cures and treatments for immediate results.


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